瑟瑞娜·理查森 '24







西班牙语 和 Sociology


Women’s 和 Gender Studies

瑟瑞娜·理查森 ’24, a recipient of the 路德奖学金the 校友 Association Scholarship, is a double major in 社会学西班牙语 辅修了 women’s 和 gender studies. One of her favorite experiences as a Carthage student is when she went on a J-Term study tour to Peru, where she learned about the effects of tourism on the environment 和 indigenous women. 

Learn about J-Term Study Tours


“The professors at Carthage want you to succeed! If you have questions, 担忧, 有疑问吗?, they are all ears 和 willing to help you get back on your feet.”

瑟瑞娜·理查森, ’24


“I chose Carthage for multiple reasons: First, my mom is an 女校友, so there is some generational history when it comes to this institution. Second, I was greatly intrigued by the 出国留学 programs that Carthage offers. 最后, I received the 路德奖学金 和 校友 Association Scholarship, which made it financially possible for me to commit to this school. Also, who doesn’t love the gorgeous 密西根湖 that caresses Carthage’s shores?”


“Carthage faculty have been nothing but supportive, thus far. Just a couple of names that come to mind are Professor Maribel MoralesProfessor Stephanie Mitchell. They have a lot of life wisdom to share outside of academic life, 和 I am so grateful for their continuous love 和 care.”


“My favorite class by far has been 非洲艺术Professor Jody Berman. After taking this class, I knew I wanted to study something along the lines of anthropology or 社会学. This class made me think outside of the western st和ard. For example, the definition of art, our concept of time, 和 our inherent values are not universal. I learned the importance of cultural relativism 和 staying away from ethnocentric viewpoints.”


“My toughest class has been African American Religion 教 Professor Julius Crump. This class was challenging because of the intensive reading. I took this course over J-Term, which meant the readings, that were already intellectually dense, increased in quantity. I am naturally a slow reader, so I struggled to keep up with all the material. However, this has also been one of the most rewarding courses. Like so many other courses at Carthage, it taught me more critical thinking skills for which I am incredibly grateful.”


“I am involved in the 武术俱乐部 在校园. My roommate 和 I decided to go to the first 武术俱乐部 meeting in the fall, 和 now we enjoy practicing taekwondo, 柔道, 和 tai chi with other students. I am also on the e-board for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. We have Bible studies, large groups, outreach events, 和 yearly conferences.

“I also am a part of Carthachords, an acappella group 在校园. My favorite song we performed at our last conference was a mashup of “Potential Breakup Song” by Aly & AJ 和 “Good 4 U” by Olivia Rodrigo.”


“Currently, I am on student staff for the Center for Faith 和 Spirituality as an Interfaith Lunch co-coordinator, 和 I really enjoy my position there. Whatever I end up exploring 和 undertaking after I graduate from college, I hope it will be community-oriented 和 with a company that values cultural diversity.”


“My favorite Carthage memories include my lovely roommate, Nina Werger. I think no matter where you go, the people you meet make the place feel like home. I am incredibly fortunate to have met a friend for life 和 am beyond grateful for her. However, the Snickers ice cream bars that the Red Zone offers are a close second!”

Advice for other students in your major?

“My advice to people who are undecided is not to stress about it. I was undecided for my entire freshman year. Whatever you choose, study that which fascinates you!”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“I think 8-year-old Serena would be happy where she’s at right now. I’ve always been a curious learner, asking ‘Why?’ every chance I get, 和 that hasn’t changed between being 8 years old 和 19 years old. I also think that 8-year-old Serena would tell herself to calm down regarding the fact that she is unsure of where her future will go. She would remind me to take life step by step 和 remember to stop to smell the roses along the way.”